Flourishing Life International Foundation
is a Non-Governmental Organization, with the mandate of inspiring positive changes, mobilizing diverse people to turn apathy to action and by connecting organizations across sectors and regions to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).

Motto: Fostering Access, Transforming Lives.


Education(STEM promotion)


Widows Initiative

Wellness (Health Checkups)

Child Welfare/Human Capacity Development

Agricultural Program(Food Security and End Hunger Schemes)

About Us
Discover Our Organisation

We Serve Humanity

The main aim of this NGO is to foster STEM Education among the Youth.FLOURISHING LIFE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION have made a beginning by concentrating on TRANSFORMING THE LIVES OF YOUTH, WOMEN AND GIRLS through our STEM program, girl-child education and Widows Initiative. Some of the programs experienced by the FLOURISHING LIFE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION.

    • •STEM Education
      • Child welfare
      • Women Empowerment
      • Climate Change
      • Health
      • Agriculture
      • Old Age/Widows Welfare
      • Skills Development
  • Discover More

      STEM education remains our cardinal focus. We ensure that the Youth in our soceity are meaningfully engaged and impacted positively through STEM ...Read More

    • Women and Widows Welfare Initiative

      We render our welfare services to the Women and Widows, using Widows and Women Initiative of our NGO. . . Read More

    • Free Health Checkups, drugs dispensation of vaccines

      Due to lack of hygienic awareness, poor sanitation, bad drinking water quality, gender issues, superstitions . . .Read More

    • Child Welfare

      FLOURISHING LIFE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION aims towards lasting improvements in the quality of life of disadvantaged and marginalised children . . .Read More

    • Climatic Change

      FLOURISHING LIFE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION is providing education on Environmental and Climatic Change awareness and studies. . .Read More

    • Agricultural Program

      Farming has always been one of the most important economic activities in NIGERIA and AFRICA at large. With about two-thirds . . .Read More

    Our Program

    Our Main Program is to provide STEM Education,Women Empowerment, Child welfare, Rural Education, Widows Support Initiative, Skill Development and other Trainings

    Our Mission

    Our Mission is to transform the lives of Youth, Women and girls through proffering solutions for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, STEM education, economic empowerment and the development of human capacity for sustainability.

    Contact Us

    Suite DC3, Kaura modern stores,Kaura district, ABUJA,NIGERIA
    Ph no: +2348030953161
    Email: flifochylife@gmail.com